Economic Benefit Analysis of PCB Recycling Machine

Before start a PCB recycling business, you need rough PCB recycling plant cost estimating, there is a simple economic benefit analysis for why buy PCB recycling machine.


Total power is 98 KW, capacity 700 kg / h, Circuit boards with high copper content, Approximately 18% copper content in circuit board ( different quantity of copper according to the different types of waste circuit board, generally 13-35%, requires 5 operators.



Revenue Estimates for PCB Recycling Business ( by 300 days a year, 8 hours per day )

(A) an annual output of copper is about:
300 (days) × 8 (h) × 700 (Kg) × 18% (copper content) = 302.4 (t)
Copper is about 50,000 yuan per ton
The annual output value of copper is :
302.4 × 5 = 15120000 yuan


(B) An Annual Output of Glass Fiber Powder Approximately:
300 (days) × 8 (h) × 700 (Kg) × 82% (content) = 1377.6 (tons)
Glass fiber estimates 1000 yuan per ton, the annual output value of non-metallic materials is about:
1377.6 × 1000 yuan = 1 377 600 yuan


Therefore: the total annual output value of the PCB recycling plant amounted to
15 120 000 + 1 377 600 = 16 497 600 yuan


(C) Cost Estimates Built Your PCB Recycling Plant
(a) Annual power consumption (electricity by 0.8 yuan / meter):
100 (Kw) × 300 (days) × 8 (h) × 0.8 (yuan / kWh) = 192000 yuan
(b) labor costs
2000 (yuan / person, month) × 12 (months) × 5 (person) = 120000 yuan
(c) equipment depreciation costs (10% depreciation), about:
260000 × 10% = 26 000 yuan
(d) maintenance of approximately: 10,000 yuan
(e) Acquisition of waste circuit board fee: 300 (days) × 8 (h) × 700 (Kg / h) × 6 (RMB / Kg) = 10 080 000 yuan
(f) rental fee: 2000 (yuan / month) × 12 (months) = 24000 yuan
(g) Total:
19.2 + 12 + 1008 + 1 + 2.6 + 2.4 = 10342000 yuan

The Gross Profit of PCB recycling Business is: 16497600-10342000 = 6 155 600 yuan



How to Buy Top Quality PCB Recycling Machine?

YUXI machinery focus on help you building E-waste recycling plant, mainly supplies high quality PCB dismantling machine, PCB recycling machine, e-waste gold recovery equipment, copper wire recycling machine, lithium battery recycling machine, etc. also free supplies PCB recycling process technology, with 2 years warranty, welcome to inquire purchase.